Eschenfelder Hand Flaker Wall Model

  • Eschenfelder Kornquetsche mit Holztrichter
  • Eschenfelder Korn-Quetsche mit Alutrichter
  • Eschenfelder Korn-Quetsche - Presswalzen
1 2 3
RRP: 229,- € Aluminium Hopper
RRP: 256,- € Wooden Hopper

Wooden hopper at

Aluminium Hopper at

Aluminium hopper at Producer

Wooden hopper at Producer

Squeezing capacity max. 150 g/min
Hopper cap. 250 g
Rollers Stainless steel
Weight 2,2 kg
Casing Beech
Finish Oiled
Funnel Holz o. Alu
H/W/D without crank 245 / 150 / 73 mm
Back wall H / W 230 /150 mm
Height with wooden fun. 260 mm
Height with alu fun. 250 mm
Fuay rack D / W 130 / 220 mm
Funnel diameter 110 mm
Crank radius 215 mm
Warranty 2 Years


"Eschenfelder Wall Model" Hand Flaker Info

EF Grain crusher wall model

Its design is interesting. Enormous the pressing pressure, which is adjusted with two wing screws. The crosswise grooved stainless steel rollers produce a beautiful pattern on the pressed flake.

Funnel of choice

The neatly turned wooden hopper creates a harmonious overall appearance of the flaker and is removable. This makes it easier to reach the rollers when you want to clean them. The flaker with aluminium hopper is the cheaper version. For functional reasons, it is firmly screwed to the flaker frame.

Native wood and natural finish

The Eschenfelder flakers are made of domestic, steamed beech and soaked in linseed oil. Steamed beech is more tear-resistant, works less and is more harmonious in colour than unsteamed beech. It is also darker and gets a strong, maroon, silky-glossy shade from the linseed oil.


Manual Eschenfelder Korn-Quetsche Wandmodell
Flaker manual
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Flaker Manufacturer
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